Introducing the QLS Member Survey

Help shape the future of your QLS through our Member Survey.

We want to understand more about:

  • What role do you see QLS taking within the profession?
  • What are we doing well and what could we do better?
  • What new things, if any, should we start doing?
  • How do you perceive the value of your QLS membership?
  • What membership products, services and benefits do you value most?

This is your opportunity to contribute to the goals and objectives of your membership body, so we can ensure we focus on the things that matter to you.


How will my feedback help?

Your responses will inform how QLS can best support and represent you going forward, as the peak membership organisation for Queensland solicitors.


How do I participate?

You can complete the survey any time between now and the survey close date, 6 September 2024. The survey is completely anonymous and we will not be collecting individual names or names of firms/organisations.


Learn more about the survey

Start your survey now